10 Plants To Keep Mosquitoes Away


Look no farther than nature for mosquito control so you can reduce or eradicate those using toxic toxins. Consider positioning when selecting which plants to utilize; arrange them near windows, by doorways, and next to outdoor chairs, areas where you are most likely to congregate.

Many of the plants serve many purposes because they are edible and can be included in food preparations like ice cream flavored with lavender or marinara sauce made with garlic and basil. They also seem intriguing and are generally not too difficult to cultivate or care for. Many of these are in flowerpots or are planted in the yard by me.

 1.  Basil

This herb is one of ten that repel mosquitoes. Dried basil makes simple homemade natural mosquitoes repellent. To create the tea, just soak one cup of dried basil leaves in half a cup of filtered boiling water. To assist you do this task more neatly, you can really utilize a tea ball. Incorporate a small amount of essential oil of basil and approximately half a cup of skin-safe alcohol.

2.  Catnip

According to certain research, catnip oil works more effectively than strong chemical insect repellents at keeping mosquitoes away. You ought to give it a try if this is true. You can either manufacture your own catnip mosquito repellent or purchase it already manufactured. It also functions on other kinds of pets.

 3.  Citronella

The most well-known plant that deters mosquitoes is this lemony shrub. I know you've seen effective citronella candles, so why not just plant this grass-like plant? When visitors are around, you should arrange it in well-sized containers that may be readily covered in the event of a frost.

4.  Garlic

When you crush, mix, or cut the garlic bulb, the amino acid content transforms into a material known as allicin. To assist deter insects, you can mix the bulbs with water and use it to irrigate other plants, greenery, and people.

5.  Geranium

Put pots of fragrant citronella geraniums about your patio and in other places where you and your guests would like to sit without mosquitoes bothering you. This will help keep mosquitoes at bay.  

6.  Lavender

Lavender is a lot more fragrant than some other plants and is a delightful plant to grow. It also has several purposes, such repelling mosquitoes. You may buy lavender soaps, essential oils, and lotions to use as a mosquito repellent if you don't want to grow it yourself.

7.  Lemon Balm

This works just as good as citronella or garlic, and it smells much nicer. All you need to do is smash the leaves and apply them to the areas of your body where skin is visible.

8.  Marigolds

Marigolds are a popular choice for indoor gardening, and for good reason. Among the various insects that these enchanted flowers help drive away are mosquitoes. Although they are not difficult to look at or grow, humans typically do not find the smell very pleasant.

9.  Peppermint

This fragrant and tasty plant does wonders to keep mosquitoes away. The flavor and fragrance of them repel bugs. You have three options: apply an essential oil-infused lotion, crush the leaves, or massage them on your skin.

10. Rosemary 

For twenty minutes, you can bring a cup of dried rosemary to a boil in a quart of filtered water. After that, pour the mixture into another quart of filtered water. Pour into separate spray bottles and use whenever you walk outside where there may be mosquitoes. Make sure to keep any leftovers refrigerated. To make the repellant even more effective, crumble the leaves and mix them into creams.

Instead of using chemical bug repellents that include DEET, which is harmful to both humans and the environment, try these ten plants that ward off mosquitoes. They also improve the appearance of your patio and yard.


Is it possible to grow plants that repel mosquitoes in containers?

Yes, in planters and containers, all ten of the mosquito-repelling plants thrive. This makes it easier to have them close to where you want to hang out, on your patio or deck.

Does Summer Replanting Need to Be Done?

Both annuals and perennials are included in this list of plants that repel mosquitoes. Perennials grow back year after year, while annuals need to be planted every year. If necessary, certain herbs in pots can be moved indoors throughout the winter. We grow lavender and rosemary in our garden beds, and they thrive in the harsh winters of the Pacific Northwest. Our mint plants thrive in containers, where we keep them. We replace every other one of them in the late spring.

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