Protein Helps You Lose Weight



Weight Loss
Weight Loss

At the beginning of the 20th century, explorer Aljamer Stephenson, who set out on an Arctic expedition, spent five years eating only meat. This meant that their diet was 80% fat and 20% protein.

20 years later, in 1928, Stephenson repeated the same experiment for about a year at New York's Bellevue Hospital. Stephenson did this experiment to prove people wrong, who said that man cannot live by eating meat alone.

But unfortunately, during both experiments, he fell ill very quickly. The reason was clear. Stephenson was eating lean protein, hence he got “protein poisoning”. That is, it became difficult due to taking more protein.

When Stephenson changed his diet and included more protein and fat, his illness immediately subsided. Before his death at age 83, Stephenson followed a low-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. The case of Stephenson is one of the earliest examples of the adverse effects of high protein intake on human health.

But this matter is a century old. Nowadays people eat protein bars, protein shakes, and protein bowls. And this is happening, when most people do not know how much protein they need, how to get protein, how little or how much protein is bad for us.

Obesity also Increased and So did the Consciousness

Over the past two decades, the rate of obesity has doubled worldwide. But today we have also become more conscious about our food and drink.

In the last few years, we have started to replace white bread with brown bread, flour bread, whole grain bread, and started using skimmed milk instead of full cream milk. Protein is at the center of our health consciousness.

People are desperate for protein bars, protein bowls, and protein shakes. Packets of protein soups to protein cereals abound in the market.

Today, if you go to the supermarket, you will be tempted by protein products decorated with style. The worldwide market for such protein supplements is estimated at $12.4 billion. That is, health-conscious people believe that we should consume more protein.

But now all the experts are saying that these high-protein products are unnecessary and a burden on our pockets. Protein is essential for the growth of our body. High-protein foods like milk, meat, eggs, fish, and pulses are essential for building our body.

When we eat these foods, our stomach breaks down into amino acids and the small intestine absorbs them. From here these amino acids reach our liver. The liver determines which amino acids are essential for our body. After separating them, the remaining acid is excreted from the body through urine.

How much Protein Should be Taken?

Adults who do not run a lot or do strenuous work need 0.75 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. On average, these numbers are 55 grams for men and 45 grams for women per day. The daily protein requirement is met by eating two handfuls of meat, fish, dry fruits, or pulses.

The deficiency of protein can lead to hair loss, skin breakouts, weight loss, and muscle cramps. These problems with a low-protein diet are very rare. Usually, they are seen in those people, who have a big disorder in eating and drinking and do not eat regularly.

Yet we often think that protein is essential for bodybuilding and muscle growth. Strength training breaks down protein in the muscles, protein is essential to strengthen the muscles so that the muscles can be repaired. An amino acid called leucine found in protein is very helpful in this.

Some researchers even say that if we don't eat protein-rich foods after hard workouts, our muscles will break down even more. Exercise is not beneficial, if you do not take protein.

That's why supplement companies often encourage you to take something like a protein shake right after a workout. It explains that it is necessary to make your muscles stronger. Protein shakes contain whey protein which is a by-product of cheese making.

Are Protein Supplements Beneficial?

A 2017 research report by research company Mintel states that 27% of UK people consume protein bars or protein shakes.

Including those who exercise more than twice a week, the figure rises to 39 percent. But interestingly, 63 percent of them don't know how much benefit this post-workout protein shake is giving them. They can't even tell if they're seeing any effect or not.

In a 2014 review of 36 studies, it was concluded that there is a benefit to consuming protein in the early days of exercise. But nothing can be clearly said about its benefits after that.

As you get used to exercising, the benefits of consuming a protein shake or protein bar diminish. Experts say that the benefit of such a protein diet is that it is taken with carbohydrates. Yes, this protein diet certainly helps in keeping your body lean and fit. You can do more physical work.

But just because athletes and gym-goers benefit from protein supplements doesn't mean you should start taking protein supplements, too.

"Most people get more protein than they need from their diet," says Kevin Kapton, professor of sports at the University of Stirling in the UK. No one needs to take supplements. You can easily get adequate amounts of protein through your daily diet.

Will Just Taking Protein Work?

Protein bars are like candy, says Kevin Tipton. They just contain a little protein. Prof. Tipton also says that bodybuilding doesn't need protein bars, etc., as much as it's hyped. According to Professor Tipton, there is a lot of emphasis on taking supplements today, there is a huge market for it.

According to Kevin Tipton, protein doesn't just play a role in your good health today. Rather you should get good sleep for it. One should be free from mental distractions and pay attention to one's food.

Other experts also believe that we should get the necessary amount of protein through our food. Eating supplements is not a good source of protein. Graeme Close of Liverpool John Moores University says that only athletes need to take protein separately. But even if you take a protein shake after exercise, it is enough.

Apart from this, seniors also need to take protein as a supplement in addition to food.

Emma Stevenson, from Newcastle University in the UK, works with nutrition companies. They are finding ways to add protein to snacks, especially snacks that seniors consume more.

Graeme Close says that while humans need 0.75 grams of protein per kilogram of their weight, seniors need 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram.

Does Too Much Protein Cause Harm?

The good thing is that eating more of your protein isn't that easy. Some dieters are concerned that eating too much protein can harm the kidneys. But all the evidence suggests that this is rarely the case.

Protein is often associated with weight loss. A low-carbohydrate diet can help you lose weight. Some protein diets can also help you do this.

If you eat a protein-rich breakfast in the morning, you will feel less hungry during the day. There is evidence that protein suppresses your appetite better.

Alex Johnston of the University of Aberdeen says that you can easily lose weight by reducing carbohydrates in your diet and eating a diet rich in protein.

They suggest that you should eat a meal that is 30 percent protein, 40 percent carbohydrates, and 30 percent fat, which will help in losing weight.

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